Online video editing

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This website has a browser-based tool to create movies and posters  from a pool of assets on a theme. The example here is the movie ‘Ten Canoes’.  Student can preview movie clips and drag them onto a timeline to make their own movie. They can also make a poster by adding images and text boxes.

I did something similar a few years back that was highly successful. The group I was working with mostly had very low literacy skills so I tried to focus on visual activities. I used WeVideo as an online video editing tool  that allowed me to upload and share a set of assets. This collaboration / team mode has now become a premium feature but well worth the money. The video below is one example of how a student chose to place video clips over a voice over. I can’t publish their all work due to privacy, but they did another version where they recorded their own voice overs of what this place means to them and their children. So the final video covered three or four generations of storytelling. The buzz and joy in the room while these girls made the videos together was amazing. So very different to handing out fill in the blank worksheets!